June 23 marks the solemnity of Corpus Domini. Also in Pontelandolfo, this religious celebration is accompanied by a procession along the streets of the town. As usual, the ceremony is preceded by the procession of children who distribute flower petals when passing through Corpus Domini. On this occasion, all the votive shrines in the town, where the procession stops, are decorated with altars and wildflowers, among which the brooms stand out like the undisputed queens. With their characteristic golden yellow color and their intense aroma, the brooms characterize the summer vegetation of Pontelandolfo offering a wonderful scenery and a pleasant sensory experience to passers-by. The procession leaves at 6.30pm from the Church of the Holy Savior and continues to Piazza Roma, Viale Europa, Via Vittime del Lavoro of Bridgeport, Via Piano della Croce, Via Canalone, via Piazza Papa Giovanni XXIII, via Falcone and Borsellino, via E. Gentile, Via San Rocco concluding with the arrival at the Church of San Rocco.
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